Monday, 16 July 2012

Blog No 1 from Skagen, Denmark

Here is Klitgården seen from Skagen
I really think it is time for me to start a blog.
I am not really comfortable with  it, but I hope I will learn by doing. So why not - just get started.

I am now in Klitgården on a 2 week retreat. I love to have peace and quite here. It is absolutely the best ever condition for work. The house is beautifully restored respecting the history of the house and with the orginal furnitures and decoration. It is a privilege to be here.
The house was built and owned by king Christian X and his wife Alexandrine. They spent time here every summer for quite many years. But since year 2000 the house has been a retreat for scientists and artists.

See more here


  1. Skønt at du har kastet dig ud i at blogge. Håber du finder det givende og inspirerende at være blogger.

    Jeg glæder mig meget til at følge med her!

  2. Tillykke med din nye blog. Det er en meget fin baggrund, du har.

  3. hello are doing just fine writing your new blog...
    you just keep writing, I will keep reading..keep up the good work.
    thank you
    thank you
